I am much obliged to you for the loan of the book. 我对于你借书给我,深表感激。
Credit costs seem set to rise: non-performing loan ratios are still flashing red in many parts of the corporate loan book ( 70 per cent of the total). 信贷成本似乎必将上升:在企业贷款账目(占贷款总额的70%)的许多部分,不良贷款率仍在发出红色警报信号。
Our bank experienced a surge in demand for loans the equivalent to more than 10 per cent of our entire loan book. 我们的银行经历了贷款需求的飙升,数量相当于我们全部贷款余额的10%以上。
The bank is expected to initially lend fairly small amounts but could rapidly expand its loan book. 预计中行将在初期发放相对小额的房贷,但可能迅速扩大整体放贷规模。
The loan book grew 6 per cent, while underlying profits were up 21 per cent thanks to falling US impairment charges. 它贷款总额增长6%,同时由于美国减损支出不断下降,基础利润增长21%。
Because much of its loan book is concentrated in rural areas, the burden is likely to fall disproportionately on ABC, which is planning a stock-market listing in Shanghai this year. 因为农行的大部分贷款都集中在农村地区,因此,此次负担可能将不成比例地落在农行肩上。农行正计划今年在上海股市上市。
ICBC, the world's number two bank, saw its loan book swell 10 per cent last year, neatly tracking economic growth. 中国工商银行目前是全球第二大银行。去年,其贷款总额增长10%,很好地跟上了中国经济增长的步伐。
The bank said profits for 2009 rose 16 per cent to RMB 128.6bn on the back of an unprecedented 16.2 per cent expansion in its loan book. 该银行表示,在其贷款业务出现了16.2%的空前扩张之后,2009年的利润增长了16%,达到1286亿元人民币。
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China yesterday provided evidence of the extraordinary recent expansion in Chinese bank lending when it revealed it had grown increased its loan book by 19 per cent in the first half of the year. 中国工商银行(icbc)昨日披露,今年上半年该行贷款规模增长了19%,这证明中国各银行贷款近期超常扩张。
Some banks have almost their entire leveraged loan book in covenant default or on default watch. 一些银行的几乎所有杠杆贷款都处于违约或违约观察状态。
He would have cast one eye over the loan book with its millions of dodgy customers who could not afford their mortgages and said he wanted nothing to do with them. 他会瞅一眼后者的贷款账簿,看到那数百万无力负担抵押贷款的客户,然后说他不愿意和这些人打交道。
It could promote the interests of favoured investors, use CDOs to hedge its own loan book or even take a trading position. 它可以照顾最惠投资者的利益、利用CDO对冲其贷款账簿,甚至占据交易头寸。
ICBC currently doesn't have a projection set for its loan book. 目前工行对其贷款总规模没有预设目标。
For example, JP Morgan announced that it would transact without restructuring for loan book hedges. 例如,摩根大通宣布,将在没有对贷款预定对冲的情况下办理贷款。
Will you favour me with the loan of this book? 我可以把你的这本书借用一下么?
Being quite a small organisation with a small, geographically concentrated loan book makes fair finance quite a risky investment. 作为一家相当小的机构,加之贷款客户所在地区较为集中,使得投资fairfinance的风险很高。
From the management of evil loans and uncollected interests, taking of loan bad debt preparation fund and revealing of information shows that, under the accounting system, 8% is of only book value but without any actual value to state-run commercial banks. 从不良贷款、应收未收利息的处理,贷款呆帐准备金的提取以及信息披露方面揭示了在现行会计体系下8%这一数值对于国有商业银行仅具有帐面意义而无实际价值。